Friday, December 20, 2019

The Importance Of Proper Nutrition For General Health And...

The Importance of Proper Nutrition to General Health Fitness Goals With the obesity rate in America exceeding 50 percent — including adults and minors — an urgency has been created for people to become fit. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released numbers that reveal that more than two-thirds of the nation’s population is either overweight or obese — with there being more people who are obese than those who are overweight. As people engage the process of improving their fitness level, it is vital that they apprehend the immense importance of proper nutrition and the role that it plays in holistic fitness. When people consider fitness, they often visualize training regimens; however, nutrition is the foundation of authentic fitness. It is on the foundation of nutrition that all other elements of fitness rest. As important as exercise is to a person reaching their fitness goal, it is impossible to have an optimal workout, when the body has a nutritional deficiency. Many people who are attempting to improve their level of fitness are finding the endeavor to be more perplexing than they originally anticipated. Although there can be multitudinous reasons why a fitness plan is not working, nutrition remains at the top of the list. Enlisting the Help of a Professional When it comes to increasing the chance of reaching desired fitness goals, it is a logical choice to give serious consideration to hiring a professional. Enlisting the help of a personal trainerShow MoreRelatedChildhood Obesity Has Been A Popular Topic Of Conversation859 Words   |  4 Pagesbiking, and general outdoor activity. Community Nursing Diagnosis After completing a Windshield Survey, childhood obesity became quite apparent as a significant risk to the future of this community’s young population. Observational surveys were done at the local middle school, high school, church, grocery store, and one large retail outlet. Additionally, two school nurses were phone interviewed. 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According to Harvard University’s The Nutrition Source, â€Å"roughly two out of three U.S. adults are overweight or obese (69 percent) and one out of three is obese (36 percent)† (â€Å"An Epidemic†, par. 2). Interestingly enough, the majority of the ‘wonder’ regimens lack crucial aspects for effective weight-loss: Proper nutrition, incorporation of physical activity, and an individualized plan for calorie intake. Moreover, the various nutrition programs that have beenRead MoreHealthy Lifestyle : A Healthy Body1669 Words   |  7 PagesA healthy lifestyle means an individual needs to maintain a balanced and nutritious diet as well as doing exercise regularly, engaging in sporting activities or other fitness related activities that are convenient t o a person. However, a healthy diet alone is not adequate to ensure someone achieves a healthy body as physical activities and exercise is also important to keep one in the right shape and free from disease and sickness (Edelman et al., 2013). 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