Tuesday, May 19, 2020

A Look into the Assassination of JFK - 981 Words

John Fitzgerald Kennedy was born on May 29th, 1917 in Brooklyn, Massachusetts. He was named after his grandfather, John Francis Fitzgerald, who happened to also have a career in politics as the mayor of Boston, Massachusetts. He had 8 siblings, three brothers and five sisters. His parents were Patrick Joseph Kennedy and Rose Kennedy. His early life in Massachusetts helped shape him into one of the greatest presidents America has ever had. Kennedy was an especially bright young man with many talents, in 1940 he graduated from Harvard University, where he also played football like his brother Jack, in 1940. As an Irish Catholic in Boston he suffered from prejudice, but he was determined not to let that affect his future and set the goal to†¦show more content†¦Before Lee Oswald could be tried and convicted he was shot two days after the assassination by Jack Rudy while in transport to a new location. Oswald died two hours later. Because of the fact there was never someone convicted of the assassination various conspiracies arose, these are known as the JFK conspiracy theories. There’s many conspiracy theories surrounded this topic, but the most believed conspiracies are, The CIA had him killed, the Mafia had him killed , Lyndon Johnson had him killed so he would become president. Johnson did in some ways benefit from Kennedy’s death because he became the President, but many historians have discredited any allegations against Johnson claiming he set up a hit against Kennedy to become president, but since Johnson was viewed as ruthless politician that not many Americans liked, a lot of Americans were quick to put the blame on him, even though he had an air tight alibi for the evening the so called â€Å"hit† was placed on Kennedy’s head. The next theory that the mob did has also been disproven since three different mobs at the time claimed to be responsible without any solid evidenc e to support that they in fact did kill Kennedy, so this is just a hearsay based conspiracy theory with not a single piece of evidence to back it up. Lastly, the most widely believed theory, the CIA had Kennedy killed. This theory unlike many of the otherShow MoreRelatedThe Assassination of John F. Kennedy1076 Words   |  4 Pages The assassination of John F. Kennedy is one of the most controversial and debated topics in American History. JFK was one of the most beloved presidents of our time. It was November 22, 1963 when JFK was assassinated. Unlike previous presidential assassinations, the JFK assassination is the most conspiracies of all time. The theories are the Government cover up, Mafia influence and Cuban President Fidel Castro. Imagine one person can do all this planning which Lee Harvey Oswald. There is no wayRead MoreThe Assassination Of John Fitzgerald Kennedy873 Words   |  4 PagesThe assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy, also known as JFK, is one of the most infamous and tragic events in American history. JFK was one of the United States’ most influential politicians, and in the year 1961 he was appointed to be president. Less than a thousand days later, JFK was assassinated in Dallas, Texas, by gunman Lee Harvey Oswald. JFK was beloved both by many Americans and those abroad, and thus his death came as a terrible shock to many across the globe. JFK was a great and stalwartRead MoreMystery of Who Killed John F Kennedy1483 Words   |  6 PagesDue to the vast speculations of the assassination of John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963 in Dallas, Texas the mystery of what really happened still lies amongst us today. From theory to theory there is no telling what the true motive in killing the President really was. 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Many Americans believed that the United States government was behind the JFK assassination. Thousands of important evidence about the JFK assassination has been lockedRead MoreThe Assassination of John F Kennedy 1677 Words   |  7 PagesThe Assassination of John F Kennedy From source B we can learn many things about JFKs assassination. We learn that JFK was hit by 2 shots the second one killing him apparently hitting from the back, into his right temple. Source B also stated that 3 shots were fired from the sixth floor of the Texas schoolbook depository. The rifleman was named Lee Harvey Oswald. Source B declares the assassination weapon to be a Mannlincher - carcano rifle. Source B written by the Warren CommissionRead MoreThe Kennedy Assassination Conspiracy Theories Essay1055 Words   |  5 PagesThe assassination of John F. Kennedy is one of the most controversial and debated topics in American History. JFK was one of the most beloved presidents of our time. One article of his death wrote, The day the country cried. Unlike previous presidential assassinations, the JFK assassination is one that is filled the conspiracy theories. Such theories include a Government cover-up, Mafia influence and Cuban President Fidel Castro. The idea of a lone mind, Lee Harvey Oswald, plotting to kill PresidentRead MoreThe Assassination of John F. Kennedy Essay916 Words   |  4 PagesHowever, most people believe that John Wilkes Booth killed Lincoln, but most people don’t think Oswald killed JFK. Ranging from his future-self killing his past self to other crazy theories like aliens, but 55% of our nation still think that JFK was involved by so me government conspiracy at the time of his death. Right now in 2014 America some people still believe that the assassination of John F Kennedy was just a conspiracy, here we’ll see why and how this could have happened in our own stateRead MoreConspiracy Theories Surrounding The Assessination of John F. 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