Sunday, January 5, 2020

Terrorism A Common Definition Of Terrorism - 972 Words

Most of the countries around the world call the terrorism a common enemy, but there is not a common definition of terrorism. There is not any significant unified goal and objective among the states against them, but they have their collective and shared goals. They are against the peace, stability, and development and they want to kill, destroy and spread fear. They misuse and misinterprets any faith in their favor and they try to mix terrorism with the religious ideology. And they support each other globally for these shared goals, but we should ask ourselves, what do we do to defend ourselves and defeat terrorism? Climate change, the proliferation of weapon of mass destruction (WMD) and terrorism is widely debated as a threat around the world. These three issues might be the top three issues in front of us in the 21st century. However, the WMD proliferation and climate change are considered as major issues since the 20th century, but still there are some states, who want to produce nuclear weapons and pollute the environment and they struggle globally to justify their interest against the interest of the world community and humanity. There is no doubt that some states sponsor terrorists, but I have not heard of any government, who publicly backs or defend terrorists. While every state agrees on the threat of global terrorism, yet we do not have a common definition for them, which should be widely accepted or adopted by every country in the world. 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