Saturday, January 11, 2020

The Stigma Of Hiv Aids Health And Social Care Essay

This reappraisal aims to show the contested nature of biomedical and laic constructs of wellness and mending underpinning Human Immunodeficiency Virus/ Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome ( HIV/AIDS ) and its stigma. Due to the wideness of the topic the reappraisal will merely be restricted to HIV/AIDS and stigma in relation to the interactions between Peoples Populating with HIV/AIDS ( PLWHA ) and the wellness structures that supply them with bar and intervention services. Literature and stuffs from different published beginnings would be reviewed and analysed, followed by a critical comparative analysis of the key contested constructs of wellness as applied to HIV/AIDS and stigma, eventually reasoning with an interface of the two theoretical accounts. HIV/AIDS is one of the challenges to human life and self-respect. It affects all degrees of society and has a monolithic impact on planetary economic and societal development, ( Rowden, 2009 ) . Surveies have been conducted on its impact on human life and how it could be controlled. This reappraisal was conducted by researching literature from a assortment of beginnings for published articles on HIV/AIDS and its stigma. Literature from research covering a period of 8 old ages from 2002-2010 was extracted from Assia, PubMed, Sage, British Medical Journal, Cochrane and Absco-host, and reviewed for the survey, aims, methodological analysis and cardinal findings. Relevant books, diaries, paperss and studies from administrations such as UNAIDS, and the World Bank were besides reviewed. Both qualitative and quantitative information was used to show the information. Despite confronting a batch of unfavorable judgment on its top-down attack, the biomedical theoretical account remains the dominant construct in wellness and unwellness. Its credibleness lies on its scientific methods and expert cognition used to name or understand unwellness and intervention. This theoretical account views the organic structure as a machine composed of different parts working together for it to work. If one portion is non working decently, the purpose is to happen what is incorrect with it through diagnosing and repair it by ordering medical specialty, ( Taylor & A ; Hawley 2010:12 ) . Focus is hence restricted to the physical unwellness of an person ‘s organic structure and the scientific apprehension of disease, doing the attack to a great extent based on pharmacological medicine. While pharmacological medicine is good in the intervention and bar of HIV/AIDS, it is criticised for advancing the privilege of the biomedical theoretical account, farther heighten ing undermining of alternate attacks to wellness and healing. The biomedical attack may be inappropriate to some communities and create feelings of weakness and exposure hence impacting the success of the intercession. ( Global Health Watch, 2008, Farmer, 1999 ) . Lay constructs of wellness and unwellness are diverse and complex than those of the medical theoretical account. They focus on people ‘s experiences of wellness and unwellness in relation to their overall life experiences and are embedded within local societal and cultural constructions. Unlike in the biomedical attack, autochthonal attacks seek to mend the whole individual by associating the unwellness with the individual ‘s societal and economic background, ( Taylor, 2003 ) . However critics of this theoretical account argue that ballad constructs are hard to grounds and research hence they remain marginalised and barely recognised as legitimate cognition, ( Taylor & A ; Hawley, 2010:13 ) . On the contrary, Taylor, ( 2003 ) argues that ballad position is important cognition for public wellness as it identifies roots of unwellnesss for possible long term bar and intervention for the larger population as comparison to separately focussed intercessions. Influence of power systems such as the laterality of the medical theoretical account hinder advancement on bars and intervention of diseases such as HIV/AIDS and stigma as they govern relationships between wellness constructions and laic people. Goffman, ( 1990 ) , and Parker and Aggleton, ( 2003 ) , ‘s theories of stigma in assisting us to understand how stigma is constructed and its influence in peoples ‘ lives view stigma and favoritism as functional systems which maintain boundaries between those in power and those without. Through such power, societal inequalities are developed taking to creative activity of societal norms. These formulate stigma by regulating interactions between people and reenforce power constructions that serve to keep control of the powerless, ( Farmer, 2005 ) . Both theories have been widely used in HIV related stigma to foreground how bias, negative attitudes, maltreatment and ill-treatment directed towards PLWHA have hindered the advancement of bar and intervention. Research high spots that stigma and favoritism in wellness attention scenes deducing from societal power instabilities contribute a great trade in maintaining people off from accessing HIV/AIDS intervention and attention. Patients felt greatly affected by wellness workers experiencing uncomfortable with them and handling them in an inferior mode. In Tanzania, some discriminatory and stigmatised patterns such as dish the dirting about patients ‘ HIV ‘s position, disregard, verbal maltreatment, proving and unwraping HIV ‘s position without consent were noted, ( D.C Synergy, 2005 ) . Similarly in India, wellness workers were unwraping patients ‘ HIV position to their households without patients ‘ consent, ( Mahedra et, Al, 2007 ) . Harassment, avoiding and isolation of HIV-positive patients and proving without reding are common characteristics of stigmatization in most surveies. Some wellness workers wore protective vesture even if there was no physical con tact during interactions. Fear of being identified as infected with HIV besides influenced people to protract proving for HIV and merely accessed services when their unwellness was at an advanced phase, ( Bond and Aggleton, 2002 ; Kinsler et Al, 2007 ; Varga et Al 2006 ; Kalichman and Simbayi, 2003 ) . In Zambia, HIV-positive wellness workers were concealing their Hiv position from their co-workers in fright of being stigmatised, ( Dieleman et al, 2007 ) . While most of the literature on HIV/AIDS and entree to wellness services is negative, there is grounds of the value of supportive and de-stigmatising HIV services in some parts of the Earth. Brazil has been hailed as a theoretical account by PLWHA. They reported supportive inclusive structural systems that create healthy environments that promote active engagement of different groups in society and the authorities, ( Caltado, 2008 ) . In South Africa where most people believe in traditional healing, Aids Activism has made a positive significance in HIV/AIDS bar and intervention by interpreting and interceding the biomedical attack within local ideological models which are easy understood and acted on by the locals, ( Colvin, Robins, 2010 ) . Literature reveals that collaboration between ballad positions and biomedical attack is indispensable for successful control of HIV/AIDS and stigma. There is no remedy for AIDS but Anti-retrovirals ( ARVs ) can protract life by take downing degrees of HIV in the organic structure hence detaining the procedure between HIV and AIDS, ( Robin, 2009 ) . Although ARVs are now readily available in most states, Numberss of freshly infected people are lifting. Harmonizing to the World Bank, 60 million people are populating with HIV/AIDS worldwide. Access to intervention has increased dramatically but for every 100 people on intervention, 250 become freshly infected, ( World Bank, 2010 ) . As such, force per unit area is now lifting on the effectivity of merely trusting on the biomedical attack for intervention and attention of HIV/AIDS. While ballad positions are considered effectual, this can non be confirmed as true with HIV/AIDS attention. In South Africa, despite people to a great extent trusting on traditional healing attacks, HIV prevalence continued to lift. Significance towards effectual control of the epidemic has been noted with the addition in handiness of ARV ‘s, ( Colvin, 2009 ) . In the UNAIDS Report On The Global AIDS Epidemic 2010, in 7 states, five of them in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, HIV incidences increased by more than 25 % between 2001 and 2009. Sub Saharan Africa, although still staying the most extremely affected by the epidemic, figures either stabilised or showed marks of diminution owing to positive behavior due to increased services that are embedded in local civilization. The study affirms that stigma and favoritism, deficiency of entree to services and bad Torahs can do the epidemic worse, ( UNAIDS, 2010 ) . Due to the challenges presented by HIV/AIDS to planetary public wellness, Baum. ( 2008:241 ) calls for corporate engagement of all sectors in the battle against this deathly disease. She asserts that community degree mobilization where there is partnership between ballad people and constructions is the effectual manner of battling HIV/AIDS and stigma. This is farther supported by Farmer, ( 1999:90 ) , who does non excuse the laterality of the biomedical position in wellness and healing. He believes that ballad people have a important function in the procedure of wellness betterments and accents on the importance understanding ballad people ‘s experiences as indispensable cognition for successful intercessions. He holds that wellness attention services should be accessible to PLWHA without fright of being stigmatised. Educating wellness attention professionals about the impact of stigma on patients and policies that encourage inclusion of PLWHA in determinations that affect thei r lives are some of the cardinal factors of efficaciously undertaking the epidemic. Parker and Aggleton, ( 2003 ) besides claim corporate engagement between ballad people and wellness constructions as cardinal to successful anti-stigma services. Relationships between wellness constructions and PLWHA could besides be improved by prosecuting ballad people through protagonism. The Greater Involvement of PLWHA, ( GIPA ) rule emphasises the demand for engagement of PLWHA at all degrees in battling HIV/AIDS because they understand their state of affairs better. Therefore their voices could be heard good if their demands were presented by people in the same state of affairs, ( UNAIDS, 2007 ) . In the Zambia survey, professionals populating with HIV/AIDS are in a better place to recommend for people accessing services. Baum, ( 2008:550 ) affirms that advocacy affecting public wellness practicians is an effectual manner of act uponing structural barriers in public wellness. Literature has highlighted the contested nature of constructs of wellness and mending underpinning entree to services supplying intervention and bar of HIV/AIDS and its stigma. The biomedical attack conceptualises wellness and unwellness through scientific discipline and expertness with focal point on the person. Lay concepts position wellness and healing as embedded within local societal and cultural constructions and hence seek to turn to public wellness for a wider population. Literature suggests that neither attack in isolation is effectual in bar and attention for HIV/AIDS. Arguments have centred on the importance of coaction of the theoretical accounts. Therefore there is demand for intercession programmes to develop holistic attacks that are underpinned by the two theoretical accounts but it is besides of import to understanding each of the constructs in its ain right.

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