Saturday, September 28, 2019

A Modern Day Sir Thomas Moore

Concerning the government, very powerful people have a tendency to abuse their power. This affects the citizens greatly by not having a fair system of equality. The corrupted are only out for personal gain, therefore, they manage to not do their job properly. The infamous President Nixon, as just one of many great examples. Despite the corruption, there are many figures of society that do great things for the people, but not enough to make a lasting impact.The growing issues of murder, robbery, abuse of illegal absences, and violence, have infected the streets of our country. With the idea that such things exist, why have there not been more successful tactics to stop it? It seems as though the government Is much more concerned with stuffing their pockets than Improving lower class society. Regarding the government, they say that they are going to take action, but there Is rarely ever truth In that statement. Above the destitute are people that have more money than they could ever sp end away.In addition, there are people struggling to survive in less fortunate areas of America that could live months off the daily salary of the wealthy. They barely make enough money to have a place to live, or food to put on their table. Children starve, end up in foster care, which is a failed system in itself, and end up homeless. Instead of focusing on other countries, maybe it would be more practical to notice the problems in our own. During the wars, people at home suffer from the extreme separation of classes. Through the nations struggles, our very own country is feeling the poverty take over.It seems quite unfair that some people can blow thousands of dollars on a champagne bottle and at the same time, a child In a bad neighborhood Is starving. The separation of classes Is nothing knew. In fact, It has been around since man could start a fire with some sticks. After the thought process of social classes flourished in the human brain, there was no going back, and now the needy suffer. There was a time when they were slaves and now they are only slaves to money. This green paper that rules the human life could be seen as the seed of all issues.It creates greed and social classes, which are the source of what I am truly getting at. In spite of what we like to call the 21 rest century, we have barely stepped past the threshold into something great. Technology and medicine advances through the years, but it is all for nothing if we cannot get our country together. When I say together, I mean that word literally, as there is no sense of community amongst the people. We fight against each other's ideas and beliefs, as if there are no other ways to spend our precious time and energy.I am not saying that we should erase our differences all together, but Instead, understand that there are more Important things to fight for and It Is not with each other. Student Statement In the space below, write a statement in which you describe how well you think you did o n this assignment. How well did you fulfill the requirements of the rubric and the special instructions? I feel as though I wrote a fluent, organized, and well pieced together paper. It might feel a bit personal, but that is most of my writing. I am under the impression that the truth is your most powerful tool when writing.Your own personal paradigm of the truth will make your writing so much more riveting. First Submission Comments, Grade, and Instructions for Revision In my opinion, the points were not sewn together well, they were sprinkled throughout the first and second portion of the report. I think there needs to be a clear introduction to what I m about to read, then the body. I think the conclusion had a much better transition and the points were much more precise. Overall, I think that with a very opinionated topic there needs to be better transitions between the government, war, poverty and rich.Final Draft: America is more corrupt than some would like to admit. It is ov errun by greed, poverty, and a growing separation of social classes. Concerning the government, very powerful people have a tendency to abuse their power. This affects the citizens personal gain, therefore, they manage to not do their Job properly. The infamous President Nixon is Just one of many great examples. Despite the corruption, there are many figures of society that do great things for the people, but not enough to make a lasting impact.The growing issues of murder, robbery, abuse of illegal substances, and violence, have infected the streets of our country. With the idea that such things exist, why have there not been more successful tactics to stop it? It seems as though the government is much more concerned with stuffing their pockets than improving lower class society. Regarding the government, they say that they are going to take action, but there is rarely ever truth in that statement. Above the destitute are people that have more money than they could ever spend away. In addition, there are people struggling to survive in less fortunate areas of America that could live months off the daily salary of the wealthy. They barely make enough money to have a place to live, or food to put on their table. Children starve, end up in foster care, which is a failed system in itself, and end up homeless. Instead of focusing on other countries, maybe it would be more practical to notice the problems in our own. During the wars, people at home suffer from the extreme separation of classes. Through the nations trudges, our very own country is feeling the poverty take over.It seems quite unfair that some people can blow thousands of dollars on a champagne bottle and at the nothing knew. In fact, it has been around since man could start a fire with some sticks. After the thought process of social classes flourished in the human brain, there was no going back, and now the needy suffer. There was a time when they were slaves and now they are only slaves to money. Th is green paper that rules the human life could be seen as the seed of all issues. It creates greed and social classes, which is the source of what I am truly getting at.In spite of what we like to call the 21 rest century, we have barely stepped past the threshold into something great. Technology and medicine advances through the years, but it is all for nothing if we cannot get our country together. When I say together, I mean that word literally, as there is no sense of community amongst the people. We fight against each other's ideas and beliefs, as if there are no other ways to spend our precious time and energy. I am not saying that we should erase our differences all together, but instead, understand that there are more important things to fight for and it is not with each other.

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