Thursday, September 26, 2019

Holocaust Heroes Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Holocaust Heroes - Research Paper Example The holocaust The holocaust was an ultimate occurrence of accumulated inter racial conflict that developed from the German’s perception that they were â€Å"racially superior† as compared to the Jews and other races. As a result, the Germans believed that other races did not deserve the right to life. This led to pre-holocaust discrimination of the other races by the Nazi regime and the ultimate execution. The Germans, following their influence in the Second World War that put many territories across Europe under Hitler’s control, took advantage of their authority to eliminate the Jews. Though the Jews previously submitted to oppression from the Nazis, the native Germans still considered them as enemies and a threat. Consequently, â€Å"nearly two out of every three Jews† were killed in the German’s move to eliminate the Jews. The German regime â€Å"deported millions of Jews† from Germany and their captured territories to designated location s at which the Jews were killed (Ushmm, p. 1). Though there were individual efforts against the Nazi’s forces to clear off the Jews, the ultimate end of the Holocaust was the defeat of the Germans in the world war in the year 1945 when the Germans â€Å"forces surrendered unconditionally† (Ushmm, p. 1). ... He for instance illustrates of a woman who took him together with his â€Å"brother to a train station† (Drucker, n.p.). This experience illustrates a heroic move by the woman who disregarded racial differences to facilitate safety of the vulnerable children at the time. Her heroic state is also identified by the brave move that she took with respect to taking risks of taking Drucker and his brother to the station. This is because she dared being treated as a traitor by the Nazis forces that could lead to her execution. Similarly, she could be mistaken for a Jew following her association with them to become a victim of the holocaust. Druker also explains that his parents’ â€Å"lives were saved by the gentile farmers of the town† (Drucker, n.p.). This exhibits compassion at both individual and communal level. To denounce the racism and on the contrary protect a Jew amidst the racial and national controversy during the war was heroic. Restraining from betraying th e individuals, who saved Drucker’s parents, to the forces identifies the level of compassion that the town people had. As Drucker presents the experience, the whole town undertook the initiative to protect Jews from Nazi’s wrath. Similarly, Meyer, a survivor of the holocaust, talks of a â€Å"good man by the name Jeff† (Mayer, n.p). Jeff was also daring to try to rescue Jews from the military offensive. His bravery and compassion that defied racism defines his heroic attitude (Mayer, n.d.). Another heroic move to save Jews from the military offensive was done by Oscar Schindler who succeeded in rescuing more than 1000 Jews. As reported by the Holocaust, Oscar made personal sacrifices to ensure protection of the Jews from the forces.

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