Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Marxist Theory in Hard Times (Coketown) and Watercress Girl :: hard Coketown Watercress

Marxist Theory in Hard Times (Coketown) and Watercress Girl      Ã‚   These two works may both be looked at from a Marxist point of view in finding explanation for the authors' purpose in putting pen to paper. When using a Marxist approach to analyzing literature we must bear in mind several key terms. As we look at these texts we must bear in mind what the bourgeoisie is; this is the upper or ruling class of a society. They are in place to rule due to their control over the "base, or the economic means of production" (Bressler 212). Because the have control over the base the bourgeoisie will, "consciously and unconsciously force" their "ideology" on the proletariat, or working class. The ideology referred to is the beliefs, values, and art of a society. When analyzing Coketown and Watercress Girl we can see definite influence on the ideologies of the proletariat by the bourgeoisie conveyed in the text.    In Watercress Girl we have several excellent examples of the forced ideologies. When interviewing the young girl, Henry Mayhew, recorded statements like, "although only eight years of age, had entirely lost all childish ways, and was, indeed, in thoughts and manner, a woman" (1838). In this case we have an eight-year-old girl forced into womanhood because of the economic conditions of the time. Even though this child lived with her mother who was a seamstress she was still forced to work as a street vendor of "watercress" (1339). Evidence of this life missing state of the young girl can be seen in the statement, "We children never play down there, cos [because] we're thinking of our living"(Mayhew 1389). Here we have a statement made by a young girl admitting that she cannot play because of the necessity or her working to live.    One might ask what does that have to do with the bourgeoisie and its control over ideology? If we look at the young girls statements closely we may see underlying meanings. This young girl is missing out on her childhood; a time when she is supposed to be learning values that only her parents can supply. These values that she should be learning at home from her parents are now being instilled by values learned on the street attempting to make a living. When the girl says, "we never goes [go] home to breakfast till we've sold out" (Mayhew 1839).

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