Monday, October 21, 2019

Persuasive Essay on Bullying in Schools

Persuasive Essay on Bullying in Schools Bullying is a major problem in many schools across the world. The media has reported many cases where students injure or even kill other students due to the bullying acts. Not only that, but some victims of bullying have committed to suicide. Bullying is never acceptable. For that reason, all stakeholders in the education sector must work together to find ways of dealing with the problem in an effort to guarantee the safety of all students. One way of helping students to become aware of the issue is to educate students about why bullying is to be discouraged and what to do if someone tries to bully them. One strategy in helping students to understand the issue is to have them write a persuasive essay on why bullying is wrong. Writing a good persuasive essay involves several guidelines. Guidelines for Writing a Good Persuasive Essay on Bullying: First, plan out the main points to be discussed in each body paragraph. Ideas should be well-organized and easily followed by the reader. Language must be clear and precise. Word choice can also have some emotional impact while at the same time completely appropriate for school use. Details to support main ideas may include facts, statistics, examples, and anecdotes. Secondly, the essay should stimulate the students’ desire to end bullying or to intercede on the behalf of someone being bullied, such as a classmate in a school setting. The writer might share an experience with bullying or something heard in the news. The writer could also discuss common types of bullying to help the reader understand what constitutes bullying. The idea is to help the reader develop empathy and understanding for those who have been bullied or tend to be victimized by others. The tone of the persuasive essay is also important. The writer wants to come across as understanding the issue and caring about the victims and potential victims of bullying, especially in school and among student social circles. The tone also needs to be persuasive in nature. It helps to give the reader a reason for caring. Has the reader ever been bullied? Did he participate in bullying, and if so, why? How can preventing or stopping others from being bullied help the reader? How would he feel if his brother or sister or friend was bullied? Finally, the essay should include suggestions on how to recognize incidents or potential incidents of bullying and what to do to stop it. In addition, it could provide some resources for those who are or have been bullied as well as for those who tend to bully others. Resources might include teachers, parents, and organizations. The idea is to prevent or stop bullying. If you need a quality custom persuasive essay dont hesitate to contact our academic paper writing service now.

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