Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Why after school jobs are benificail pursausive speech essays

Why after school jobs are benificail pursausive speech essays In a world where getting ahead less of what you know and more of what youve done, I think that after school jobs for students are increasingly beneficial. I dont believe the myths that with a job there is no time for school work of extracurricular activities. I am a junior, I have had jobs since I was 15, I have never had my G.P.A drop below 3.2, and I have always been involved in at least three school activities. A teenager that has a job is more apt to be taught responsibility, learns more about money and gets a jump start on the real world after high school. One challenge that I have had to overcome, but ultimately grown stronger from is that of finding an appropriate time to finish my homework. I no longer take class time to work on my assignments for granted. While most of my friends who dont work usually go home and sit on their sofa for four hours before opening their bookbag, I have found that Friends and ER can still run their show without me watching, something I am afraid many of my peers have yet to discover. And shockingly enough it is possible to go for weeks without watching any television! Having a job has also taught me to respect authority. I have held jobs as a carhop, a waitress, and a grocery checker and sacker. Like most jobs that high schooler have, I am constantly around people. After being yelled at for undercooked steak or smashed bread, it is much easier to deal with rude people in other situations, I am much less likely to lose my patience and I understand that many problems and attitudes depend on circumstance. Many adults are also extremely impressed that is is automatic for me to address people older than me as maam or sir when I have a question or request. I think another positive was that jobs impact teenagers is that it teaches them about money. At the risk of sounding like a codjity old man, kids these days dont know ...

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